
Japan Petroleum Energy Center (JPEC)

Other activities

Other activities

Ⅱ. To build an information platform and promote international collaboration

JPEC is working on the establishment of an information platform and international cooperation by comprehensively promoting activities toward the realization of a carbon neutral society. Those activities include surveying and collecting information on policies and technology trends in individual countries and regions, strengthening cooperation with other countries through technological and personnel exchanges, and disseminating Japan’s energy policies and other information.

Investigations centering on the activities of overseas locations

JPEC has established offices in Europe (Brussels), the Americas (Toronto), and China (Beijing). Those investigate policy and corporate trends related to carbon neutrality in each region and country, technological trends and introduction status for e-Fuel and biofuel production, and trends in quality and regulations for various transportation fuels. They conduct true local analysis of the background and issues and provide results to those involved.

Research and analysis by energy experts

Personnel specializing in petroleum refining technology and fuel quality conduct research and analysis from a carbon-neutral perspective on fuel quality and fuel regulation trends and forecasts for automobiles, ships, etc., and they also conduct investigation and analysis of cases of converting petroleum refining plants to be carbon neutral.

Strengthening ties with overseas institutions and fostering international collaboration

Utilizing our three overseas locations, JPEC is working to build networks, strengthen partnerships and foster international collaboration in the field of petroleum energy resources with major institutions in various countries and regions by holding technical exchange meetings and mutual visits focusing on carbon neutrality.


Ⅲ. To ensure safety of plant operations

Ensuring accident-free operations, safety, and the transfer of know-how are common and top-priority issues in the manufacturing industry. JPEC recognizes providing solutions to these issues as its mission and is working diligently to fulfill it.

Construction of a platform for utilizing safety information

JPEC is building a safety information platform to easily deduce and prevent potential risks occurring at manufacturing sites by utilizing AI technology based on a database of accident cases and the like gathered to date (JPEC-safer) and accident information disclosed by public organizations.


Ⅳ. To return the results of projects to society

JPEC is making various efforts to contribute to the stable supply of energy and the improvement of people’s lives by giving back to society at large the results of the projects conducted by JPEC.

Contracted analysis and testing

JPEC conducts component analysis and evaluation tests of petroleum and the like using Petroleomics technology under contract, going beyond industry boundaries.

Support for young researchers

JPEC provides support to young researchers who will lead the next generation for pioneering and creative basic research.

Dissemination of results through JPEC forums, etc.

We hold JPEC Forums and publish JPEC Reports on our website in order to broadly disseminate the results of JPEC’s projects to society.